Unclaimed Dividend

Unclaimed dividend for the years prior to and including the financial year 2008-09 has been transferred to the General Revenue Account of the Central Government / the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the Central Government, as applicable.

The dividend for the undernoted years, if remaining unclaimed for 7 years, will be transferred by the Company to IEPF in accordance with the schedule attached.

Financial year Date of declaration of dividendTotal Dividend (Rs.)Unclaimed due as on 31.03.2016 (Rs.)Unclaimed due as on 30.09.2016 (Rs.)Date of transfer to IEPF on
2009-1028th August, 201021,600,000.00 144,012.00  144,012.004th October, 2017
2010-1112th August, 201154,000,000.00   285,530.00   285,530.0018th September, 2018
2011-121st September, 201227,000,000.00 156,205.00  155,955.008th October, 2019
2012-1328th September, 201327,000,000.00    14,623,375.00   14,623,125.004th November, 2020

List of Members - Unpaid dividend - 7 Consecutive years

Nodal Officer - Co-ordination with IEPF Authority

Name of Nodal Officer                     :            Prakash Chandra Prusty

Designation                                        :           Company Secretary

Postal Address                                   :           1101, Surya Kiran, 19, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001.

Telephone                                           :            +91 11  2331 2367, 2331 2515

Mobile No                                            :           +91 98 1150 5989

Email Id                                                :           clarkssuryakiran@yahoo.co.in