- Up to September 2017
- 12-12-2017
- 23-12-2017
- 12-02-2017
- 16-02-2018
- 18-05-2018
- Restriction on Transfer of Physical Shares
- 20-07-2018
- Newspaper_Advertisement_Notice_of_57th_AGM_sw
- Notice for Board Meeting - 31-10-2018
- Notice of Board Meeting - 28-01-2019
- Notice of Board Meeting- 13-05-2019
- Newspaper Notice of Board meeting - 15-05-2019
- Notice of Board Meeting - 24-07-2019
- SEBI Order dated 30-09-2019 wrt MPS Compliance
- Notice of Board Meeting 04-11-2019
- Notice of Board Meeting 03-02-2020
- Notice of Board Meeting- 22-06-2020
- Newspaper Notice of Board meeting - 23-06-2020
- Newspaper Notice of Board meeting - 23-06-2020
- Notice of Board Meeting - 03.09.2020
- Newspaper Publication -Dispatch of Postal Ballot Notice - 28.08.2020
- Newspaper publication 24.09.2020
- Newspaper publication 04.11.2020
- Newspaper publication up to 12.11.20
- Newspaper publication 12.09.2020
- Newspaper publication 04.09.2020
- Board Meeting Intimation & Publication 17 & 18th Dec 2020
- BSE Intimation 31st December 2020
- BSE Intimation Board Meeting
- Outcome of Board meeting 29.06.2021
- Board meeting 23.09.2020
- Board meeting 25.09.2020
- Board meeting 03.11.2020
- Board meeting 04.11.2020
- BSE Intimation - Board Outcome- FR 30.06.2021 sw (1)
- BSE Intimation Audited Financial Results 31.03.2021
- Intimation Newspaper Publication - despatch of AGM notice - 27.8.2021
- Notice of Board Meeting 12.08.2021
- Notice of Board Meeting 14.11.2021
- Outcome of Board Meeting -14.11.2021
- BM Intimation to BSE 04.02.2022
- BSE Intimation - Audited Financial Results 31.03.2022
- Newspaper Publication Financial Results 31.03.2022
- BSE Intimation - Secretarial Compliance Report 31.03.2022
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 28.06.2022
- Newspaper Publication Financial Results for 30.06.2022
- BSE Intimation - Financial Results 29.06.2022
- BSE Intimation - Board Meeting Outcome - Results 30.06.2022
- BSE Intimation - AGM Notice, Cut-off date & AR - FY 2021-22 - 25.08.2022
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 27.09.2022
- BSE Intimation -Dispatch Proof Publication-AGM Notice etc. 26.08.2022
- Proceedings of 61st AGM - 26.09.2022
- Newspaper Publication - Financial results 10.11.2022
- BSE Intimation - Board Meeting - Financial results - 01.11.22
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 22.12.2022
- BSE Intimation - Board Meeting - 03.02.2023
- Newspaper Publication Financial Results 15.02.2023
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 22.03.2023
- Adertisement - Financial Results - FE&JS- 30.05.2023
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 23.06.2022
- Loss of Share certificates - 04.07.2023
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 30.06.2023
- BSE Intimation - IEPF Advertisment - 02.08.2023
- BSE Intimation - Board Meeting - Financial results- 01.07.2023
- BM Outcome 11.08.2023 - Quarterly Results Section (2023-2024)
- Adverisment - Financial Results - 11.08.2023
- BSE Intimation - AGM Notice & Annual Report -29.08.2023
- Newspaper Advt - Dispatch of AGM Notice - 30.08.2023
- Board Meeting Intimation to BSE 26.10.2023
- Newspaper Advt 07.11.2023
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 21.12.2023
- Intimation of Board Meeting - Financial results - 02.02.2024
- Newspaper Publication - FR - 15.02.24
- BSE Intimation - Dispatching Postal Ballot Notice - 15.04.2024
- BSE Intimation - Newspaper Advt - 16.04.2024
- BSE Intimation - Newspaper Publication - FR - 29.02.2024
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 19.03.2024
- BSE Intimation - Mr. Arvind Kumar's Demise 21.03.2024
- Board Meeting Intimation to BSE - 03.04.2024
- BSE Intimation - BM outcome - 10.04.2024
- Appointment of Director - 17.05.2024
- Notice of Board Meeting - Financial results- 17.05.2024
- Newspaper Publication - FR - 29.05.24
- BSE Intimation - Closure of Trading Window 20.06.2024
- BSE Intimation - Board Meeting for Financial Results- 18.07.2024
- Newspaper Publication 27.07.2024
- BSE Submission - Proceedings of 63rd AGM - 16.09.2024
- BSE Intimation - Newspaper Advt - Dispatch of AGM Notice - 21.08.2024
- BSE Intimation - AGM Notice & Annual Report - FY 2023-24 - 20.08.2024
- Scrutiniser's Report & Voting Results - 63rd AGM -16.09.2024